Friday, January 9, 2015

Gluten-Free Twinkies? Yes Please!

Ok, so I know most of the food on this blog is healthy, but as a kid I used to love Twinkies, and like many who have had to switch to a gluten-free diet, some of the time I crave the things I can't have.  So when I found out Hostess came out with a Twinkies maker, I just had to try it. Thankfully I was gifted one for Christmas this year, and so naturally I had to try the recipes out with gluten-free ingredients.  The appliance comes with a small recipe book with the original Twinkies recipe, as well as Chocolate Twinkies, even Red Velvet Twinkies, and a variety of fillings, including the classic marshmallow fluff filling, that all sound like fun to try. They only took 7 1/2 minutes to cook. This time I substituted flour with Glutino's All Purpose Gluten-Free Flour and they turned out pretty good. For the recipe, well, you'll have to buy the appliance yourself and try it, since the booklet is copyrighted. But for Twinkies lovers, whether you have to be gluten-free or not, it's easy and fun to use.

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