Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My background

Starting at the age of 19, and for the next 27 years I suffered with various GI symptoms. I went to many doctors, and each gave me their version of what was wrong with me. I was diagnosed with indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and ulcers, and one doctor even wanted to put me on psychiatric medication (I guess she thought it was all in my head!). I was also diagnosed with anemia, thyroid disease and had to take multiple vitamins and supplements to have any energy at all. To add to all of this, I spent 14 out of 19 years living overseas in a tropical zone, where parasites and GI critters abound, and got my fair share of Giardia, Amebiasis and the like. But even after treatments, I would still be sick and I knew something was wrong.

Two years ago I finally sought out help with a new doctor who insisted on an upper endoscopy. Even before I was completely awake from anesthesia, I heard him telling my husband the words "Celiac Disease" and I began to groan. I am a Registered Nurse and I knew what that meant - no wheat, no pizza, no pasta, no bread, no desserts! Or at least that is what I thought it meant. I also happen to be a part time pastry and sweets guru, so I saw this as a real blow to my Epicurian taste buds.

After recovering from my initial doldrums, I was determined to find a way enjoy food despite the ban on gluten. So this is my journey. These are my discoveries. I am gradually finding ways to satisfy the cravings of my palate with gluten-free options.

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